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Misconceptions About Honey

In my participation of health forums, the misconception of sugar and the negative perception of honey surface from time to time. Here's a typical ranting from supposedly health-conscious Citizens:-


"Honey is water super-saturated with sugar. You got to be kidding yourself if you tell me that it is healthier than any other concentrated sugar product. Sugar is sugar; people eat it because it is a carbohydrate rich in energy. It doesn't matter where it comes from, the cane or the bees, costing more doesn't make it any better. So, do not be so naive and delude yourself, the liquid from the bees is just as fattening like any other sugars and can cause problems like obesity and diabetes. It contains traces of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals but the amount is so insignificant that you need to eat tons of it to benefit from it."


How often do we hear such erroneous statements being made, and even many times from the medical profession? The statements above contain the same logical fallacy as this conversation which I picked up weeks back from a lady who was teaching her friend at the pedestrian crossing, "hey, swimming is not good for you, they make you fat. You'll feel so hungry after swimming that you will gorge and consume more calories than you should. So, never include swimming as part as your exercise regime." I was expecting the lady's friend to object to the argument but to my surprise, she acknowledged it politely and even appeared to be thankful about the new knowledge! No wonder some people say common sense is not always common.

The reasoning here is not about eating excessively and a willful bingeing of sugary stuff, which is all straight-forward enough for us to leave that stone un turned. I am talking about choosing honey over other sugars and eating it for health. Knowledge such as "there are good calories and bad calories" and "not all fats are equal" all seem too common, especially amongst people who are dieting and weight conscious, however "all sugars are not created equal" sometimes seems to come across as counter intuitive and even bizarre. People need to know that there are good sugar, bad sugar and even dangerous sugar! And because there are so many guises of sweeteners, and some come in names that you can even pronounce, we must know how to read food labels critically!

Bees' Sugar is Unique

Think about it. Which sugar amongst all sugars fits this behaviour - it is anabolic, medicinal, antiseptic, anti-cancer, gentle on blood sugar, friendliest to our liver, the most ideal fuel for burning body fats, and has many healing effects? None, except honey. Taste aside (though I vote it as the tastiest sugar, sweetest medicine), I believe bee's sugar is the best, nature-given sugar for our body, yet probably most forgotten and neglected sweetener.


The doctors never fail to tell us that our body is unable to utilize refined sugars which are void of all nutrients and our body tissues in fact must relinquish precious vitamins and minerals to detoxify and eliminate them from our system, which often leads to nutrient deficiencies and the gradual deterioration of our cells and organs. But did they ever tell you once that our body needs some sugar, and good sugar, honey ideally, can provide a positive supply of liver glycogen for healthy effects of brain metabolism?

Honey is Superior

While the bees play a critical role as pollinators for many agricultural crops in maintaining a balanced eco-system, they also have one very important work - yielding a sweet sticky liquid that man can eat for health. The healthful substances in the bee food may be minute in quantity, but overtime, when consumed daily, consistently and persistently will bring about a powerful accumulative effect in our health and body immunity that is huge enough to be felt and seen. I believe that if the bees have not added something more special into the nectar they collect to make the natural sweetener different from other sugars, then there would not be so many unsolicited emails streaming into my mailbox raving about the healing benefits of the golden liquid, how it has cured so many ailment including cough, sinus, eczema, infections, arthritis, pains, burns, cuts, and even brought new precious understanding to those who are obese, trying to lose pounds, have high blood pressure, cholesterol issues and diabetes. Hence, if honey is superior to all other forms of sugar or sweetener,  surely then, it must be treated differently and its health benefits become common knowledge.


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Not All Sugars are Equal

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