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Powerful Influences of Bioflavonoids

Perhaps what many people don't think enough of or have overlooked is - honey possesses carcinogen-preventing and anti-tumor properties; honey is curative; honey is anti-cancer.


According to the book Honey Revolution by Dr Ron Fessenden, scientists have found floral flavonoids in honey. These tiny traces of bioflavonoids, generally known as antioxidants, have powerful influences when entered into the body's cells. When ingested, they immediately increase the antioxidant levels within cells, "decrease capillary permeability and fragility. They scavenge oxidants and inhibit the destruction of collagen in the body".


In fact in the recent years, major drug companies recognized the effectiveness of these flora-flavors in removing free radicals from our body and improving our body immunity functioning, and are now investing millions of dollars just to produce these substances artificially. Tell your family, friends that the foraging honey bees have passed on these precious natural floral-flavors from the floral nectar's to honey and then to us! Look, you may not see the benefit of turning to healthful food overnight, but daily repetitive, anti-cancer choices will be potentially save your life from deadly diseases like cancers.

Surely all of us know that prevention is far better than cures, but sadly, the world has succumbed to the instant gratification syndrome.


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Prevention Better Than Cure

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